Our Services

  • General Practice and Family Medical Services.
  • Vaccines (Childhood Immunisations and Travel Counselling).
  •  Women’s Health:  Cervical Screening, Breast Check Ups, Pregnancy Counselling, Antenatal Shared Care, Family Planning Advice Including the Insertion & Removal of Implanon®  (fee applies) and Mirena® Insertion & Removal (fee applies).
  • Men’s Health:  Prostrate Check Up and Counselling.
  • Sexual Health Counselling and Testing.
  • Bulk Billing Chronic Disease Management.
  • Bulk Billing Health Assessments.
  • Minor Surgery:  Suturing, Removal of Suspicious Skin Lesions, Liquid Nitrogen Treatment.
  • Ingrown Toe Nail/Wedge Resection (fee applies)
  • Skin Checks (fee applies)
  • Lung Function Test (Spirometry) and ECG (heart check).
  • Driving, Pre-Employment Medicals and Insurance Medicals.
  • Mental Health Plans and Care (fee applies)
  • Workplace Injuries and Ongoing Care (Workcover).
  • We also have a Pathology Collection site next door  and a Pharmacy within the shopping complex.
  • Free Translator Service for those patients who have difficulty communicating in English.  Advise us at reception in advance to book this service for you.

Home Visits, Telephone Access and Email Contact

Home visits are available for regular patients whose condition prevents them from attending the practice and only with prior arrangement with their regular Doctor.

Doctors in this practice are happy to answer any medical queries during normal consulting hours. A message will be taken and we will return your call as soon as possible. Your call will always be put through to the doctor in an emergency.

This practice prefers not to send any confidential information via emails as there is a higher risk of your confidential record being compromised if it is not encrypted. Therefore in all instances any health information as long as it has been discussed with your GP (e.g. results) will be sent password protected.  Please do use emails as a means of seeking healthcare assistance.  Please phone the practice to book an appointment to discuss what it may be that you require.

Interpreting Service

If you or a family member require an interpreter service, we can organise this for you also.  Please let us know when you make the appointment.

The National Relay Service (NRS) is for patients who are hearing impaired can be contacted on 133 677.  This is the link for further information and or assistance.  https://www.accesshub.gov.au/about-the-nrs

Translation and Interpreter Services (TIS) is for patients who speak languages other than English can be contacted on 131 450.

This is the link if you wish to visit their site for further information or assistance:  https://www.tisnational.gov.au/

This service is free of charge when organised by your Doctor.

إذا احتجت أنت أو أحد أفراد أسرتك إلى خدمة مترجم شفوي ، فيمكننا تنظيم ذلك لك أيضًا. يرجى إعلامنا عند تحديد الموعد.
خدمة الترحيل الوطنية (NRS) 133 للمرضى الذين يعانون من ضعف السمع ويمكن الاتصال على 677.
خدمات الترجمة والمترجمين الفوريين (TIS) 131 مخصصة للمرضى الذين يتحدثون لغات أخرى غير الإنجليزية على 450.
هذه الخدمة مجانية عندما ينظمها طبيبك.

Se tu o un membro della famiglia avete bisogno di un servizio di interprete, possiamo organizzarlo anche per voi. Per favore fateci sapere quando prendete l’appuntamento.
Il National Relay Service (NRS) è destinato ai pazienti con problemi di udito e può essere contattato al 133 677.
I servizi di traduzione e interpretariato (TIS) per pazienti che parlano lingue diverse dall’inglese possono essere contattati al 131 450.
Questo servizio è gratuito se organizzato dal medico.

Siz veya bir aile üyesi tercümanlık servisi gerektiriyorsa, bunu sizin için de düzenleyebiliriz. Lütfen randevu alırken bize bildirin.
Ulusal Röle Servisi (NRS) işitme engelli hastalar için 133 677 numaralı telefondan irtibat kurabilir.
Tercüme ve Tercümanlık Hizmetleri (TIS), 131 450’den İngilizce dışındaki dilleri konuşan hastalar için irtibat kurabilir.
Doktorunuz tarafından organize edildiğinde bu hizmet ücretsizdir.

اگر شما یا یکی از اعضای خانواده نیازمند یک سرویس مترجم هستید، می توانید این را برای شما نیز سازماندهی کنید. لطفا زمان تعیین وقت خود را به ما اطلاع دهید.
سرویس ملی رله (NRS) برای بیماران مبتلا به اختلالات شنوایی می تواند با133677 تماس بگیرد.
خدمات ترجمه و ترجمة (TIS) برای بیمارانی است که با زبان های غیر انگلیسی صحبت می کنند با 131450 تماس می گیرند.
این سرویس رایگان است وقتی که توسط دکتر شما سازمان یافته است.

Aust Govt Department of Health and Aged Care Translation Link for various health resources – https://www.health.gov.au/resources/translated

After Hours Arrangements

For all after hours emergencies please ring our deputising medical service Home Doctor Service on 137425.

Your local hospitals are Mater Hospital: 3163 8111, Princess Alexander Hospital: 3240 2111.

For life threatening emergencies please ring the ambulance on 000.

Practice Policies

Morningside Family Medical Centre respects our patients’ confidentiality and rights. To view our full practice policies click the button below.

Patient Information Sheet

To view our Information Leaflet click the link below

MFMC Information Sheet 2023

MFMC 2024 Patient Survey Results

Click the link below to view our 2024 MFMC Patient Survey Results


Opening Hours

Monday – Friday

8:00am – 11:00pm


8.30am – 1.00pm

